Monday, November 3, 2008


In the mornings while we are getting ready for work we watch the old old show "What's My Line" It is so old. We both used to watch it as children. Love love love it. They dressed so nicely and everyone was so polite to each other. Nothing suggestive in comments. So refreshing to us. I know. We are old prudes but we like being prudes and can't do anything about being old.

Today the "Mystery Guest" was Robert Wagner. Wow was he ever young! It took a while but they finally guessed who he was. Such a simple show yet everyone had such a good time. We continued to get ready for work.

As we pulled out of the driveway I happened to be thinking about Robert Wagner and realized I had seen him on a commercial right before I started getting ready. One of those mortgage ads, you know the ones. And my how he had aged. Thought to myself...I don't think I have aged that much but I sure didn't pull the mirror down and take a look!

So off I go down my pondering way. I was thinking about growing up and growing old. I have this theory. The way I see it...God in the beginning of puberty makes us attracted to each other because of looks. What else could he do??? We sure don't have much else going for us at that age!! So at that point we get together because we just like the way we "look" to each other. And that is great...the way I think it is meant to be.

But then...oh my...the pounds begin to creep on and the hair starts to get thin and/or gray. Soon you see wrinkles. But you don't see it on each other. Isn't that funny? That is how it is supposed to be. God got us together on "looks" but he hopes that after he gets us together we will develop to much more than just "liking" each other for looks. You see...we mature...and find out what love really is. Love is about who you are...not what you look like. That doesn't enter into the equation as much as it used to. That is why most often we don't notice it in each other. While we still enjoy each other's looks, we see it in a totally different mode.

I also got to thinking about some dear friends at our church in Ohio. The Herbert's. Charlie and Francis. Dear folks. They were the kind of strong Christians you don't find many of in churches least the churches we have found.

Charlie was bent over with arthritis. He had had many bones fused in his neck and back. Yet he always had a smile for us and wanted to talk. Francis was a sweet little lady. Tiny. Reminded me of a cute little sparrow. She had been a school teacher...I bet a good one, too. They loved each other so much.

One Sunday I was talking with Francis and I will always remember that day. She had put Charlie's walker in the trunk...all by herself...and of course with no complaining.

I went to talk with her. Charlie, she said, was having a hard time that day. I told her it was too bad that after people had worked all their lives and got to their older years that they felt so bad. And she looked at me and said, the best I can recall...Barbara, it's the way God meant it to be. You see, if we always felt young, and vigorous and well, we would never want to go back home. This is the way it is meant to be. It's OK.

Some lady, huh? She taught me so much in less than a minute. She was special and I will always remember that minute talk we had. It took less than a minute for her to explain getting old to me. It was great. She was a very wise lady indeed.

So those were my thoughts on the way to work today. I don't know why, but they were. Maybe someone needed to read this today...I don't know...but I felt right away that I had to blog this.
But it's just.............

My thought for today!



Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading that and in some way feel maybe i was the one supposed to read it! Love you mom. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Satisfaction does not come with achievement, but with effort. Full effort is full victory." I was trying to post here---der@me

Unknown said...

Barb, I enjoyed reading your story today. i especially liked the story about getting older. What perspective. i will use that explination for now on if you don't mind. Have a wonderful evening. Tracy

Little Ole Me said...

Great thoughts for today...I think that is 100% true. I think there are a lot of people who needed to hear this today!

Terry said...

What a story. Growing old isn't always what it is cracked up to be--aches and pains. But--I still wouldn't want to go backwards. Love where I am in life right now.

see me said...

Thank you for all your thoughts and wishes over the past few days. I'm back on track again I think and getting things in place to try and catch up with my pages.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts- they are great