Monday, October 12, 2009

Will Continue To Have Mondays

I don't remember where I read it last week, but I read we will continue to have Mondays until we stop complaining about them!! Oh. Just remembered. Don on Memory Makers forum had posted that!! I think it is really cute!!!

But here I am at work again!!! I want to retire...but not really. I guess I would like to work only when I feel like it!! Would that work? At least...not on Mondays!!

Still so crappy hot here. In the 90's till Saturday and Sunday and then a cool down. High Sunday 78!! What a break. I don't know if it is planning to stay around or not, but I vote for it. Not cold, but I would like in the lower 80's. That is really nice!!

Had a very quiet weekend. Played with the computer as usual and tried to learn a new skill in Photoshop. Darling daughter (my computer guru if you have forgotten) whipped quickly through something because I was about ready to leave the house, and of course I only remembered a couple things when I got back. Darling husband said, "See, I told you to write it down!!" Well what I told him is that she wasn't actually going step by step just trying to show me what I could do with a situation.

After talking to her this morning, I remembered most of it, but, as usual, I just forgot the important thing!! Think I have it now. We will see. It is so nice to have her handy to bail me out!!! This girl is a whiz at this computer stuff!!!

Happy to report, no sign of bees!! Checked that out first thing when I walked in!! Whew! I don't especially like being dive bombed by bees!!! I don't move that good anymore...well...ever for that matter!!!

I can't close without a word about Starbucks! Have to put in a plug for my favorite!!! If you have not tried their instant coffee, VIA, you need to do that! I actually like it better that their regular brewed coffee. Only as of yet, they don't have decaf!! It is coming out, though. The after taste is just like coffee smells. And I haven't tried it, but they say it is fantastic sprinkled on things like ice cream...I have heard on ice cream sandwiches it is great!!!

OK. Work is beckoning me. I don't know if I should feel important or if they are just lazy and want me to do it for them!! Two sides to every coin, you know!

Off to do whatever it is that they feel is more important than finishing this blog!! There is no accounting for being able to prioritize!!!

Have and great day and enjoy it!


Little Ole Me said...

You don't need my help :) You just think you do! LOL

Terry said...

Well tomorrow is Tuesday--it will feel like a Monday. They seem to be all the same!!

Have fun scrapping.