Monday, July 2, 2012

Good Morning!!!

***For those who do not already know, we lost my beautiful mother on 12/30/2011 unexpectantly to cancer. In honor of her, and simply because I missing her terribly, I will try to post some of her posts that she had in drafts. They may not mean a whole lot to most people. But to catch a tiny glimpse of her 'thoughts' is exactly what I am needing. - Nancy (her daughter)***

Just a quick drop in this morning. I didn't make it last night and I have to be quick right now as I have to leave work to meet the electrician.

We have no electric in the back of the house. We think we blew a breaker, but none show blown so we are assuming the breaker went bad.

We pay a couple a bucks a month with the power company and when things like this happens, they will come out and fix it up to $500. If over $500 you will get 15% off the bill.Not bad, and I bet the power company makes out like a bandit, because most people probably forget they signed up for it. We will see how it goes!!

I know I have been lax in posting so with that I am going to catchup posting some of my LO I have put blood and tears into!!! LOL

I am hoping to be back on again tonight, so we will see. Till I am back on, have a great day!